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Prima GmbH
Luis Zuegg St. 40, I-39100 Bolzano (BZ)
+39 0471 637524 | fon
+39 0471 637678 | fax

VAT identification number: 02583270216
Recipient code: T04ZHR3
REA Number: BZ - 189432
Legally & content-wise responsible: Prima GmbH



Alex Filz, Florian Andergassen, Alexander Haiden, Vanessa Donat, Anna Huber, Jacobo Coen, Ada Cosmetics International, Frette, Schramm, Daunenstep, Stefano Scatà, Zulustudios, Staschitz, Guworld



Declaration in accordance with the Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003, “Data protection codex”

In accordance with Art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003, notice is hereby given that we process the personal information of clients, suppliers and subjects who voluntarily communicate (in person, by telephone, fax or email) their personal information to our office, as well as by registering on our website, as well as of persons whose data are disclosed by third parties, for example when collecting external data for business information, public Directories, etc., in the latter case being exclusively personal data of a common/ordinary nature. Our company guarantees, in accordance with the context of the legal requirements, that personal data will be handled in consideration of the basic rights and civil liberties as well as in consideration of the dignity of the parties involved, with particular respect for the privacy, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data. 


Goal and Purpose of Data Processing

• Fulfillment of legal obligations, regulations, EU directives and with civil and tax rules

• Fulfillment of any contract obligations underwritten with the data subject

• Performance of activities concerning the economic activities of our company such as maintaining in-house statistics, issuing invoices as well as bookkeeping

• Aims relating to business, such as the sending of commercial information and advertising material (via mail, fax and email), marketing und market research

• Protection of claims and management of liabilities


Area of publication and dissemination of data

• to public administrations and authorities, if legally required

• to all natural and/or legal, civil and/or private persons (legal or professional offices, tax accounting offices, courts, chambers of commerce, etc.), if sharing this information necessarily serves the purpose of exercising our business activities

• to suppliers/manufacturers, if this is necessary for the registration of products

• our company will not release personal data to third parties.


Nature of the data processing

The data may be processed with or without the aid of electronic and automated means and shall envisage all of the operations indicated in Art. 4, §1, letter a of Leg. Decree No. 196 dated 30th June 2003 that are necessary for said processing and always in such a way as to guarantee data safety and confidentiality. In any case, the data processing is subject to safety measures which guarantee their privacy and secrecy.


Navigation data as part of our internet information service

The computer systems and procedures provided for the functioning of the website collect certain personal information during normal operation, the transmission of which is subject to the use of data exchange protocols on the Internet. Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects; however, it might allow User identification per se after being processed and matched with data held by third parties. Included in this data category are the IP-addresses or domain names of computers, which establish a connection to a website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)- addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request and other parameters that are related to the transfer and the user´s computer environment. These data are only used to extract anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site as well as to check its functioning; they are erased immediately after being processed. The data in question can be used to establish liability in the case of criminal acts by means of information technology used to the detriment of our website.


Rights of the data subject

The Data Protection Act gives the data subject the opportunity to exercise certain rights in accordance with Art. 7. In addition, the data subject can ask for information about the origin of personal data, the purposes and the methods of their processing both if this takes place with the assistance of electronic means or not, and about the details of the Controller, of the persons in charge, and of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data can be disclosed or who can have access to them. The data subject has the right to update his/her data, to correct it and expand on it, as well as to request that the data has to be deleted, blocked or transformed into anonymous data, if this processing violates legal provisions. He/she has the right to prohibit the processing of his/her data in whole or in part if there is due and sufficient cause, and without due and sufficient cause if the data are used for commercial purposes, for sending advertising materials, for direct sales, or for marketing or opinion research. The rights under Art. 7 may be asserted by the data subject or a person commissioned by him/her towards the data controller – Prima GmbH, Luis Zuegg Street 40, I-39100 Bolzano BZ | South Tyrol, Tel. +39 0471 637524 – by sending registered mail or email to



The content of this site was created with great care. However, Prima GmbH assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. In addition, our company is not responsible for the content of the linked external sites.


Owner of the data processing

Prima GmbH
Luis Zuegg Str. 40, I-39100 Bozen (BZ)
+39 0471 637524 | fon
+39 0471 637678 | fax

Cookie Policy


What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file that is sent to your browser by a website you visit. It stores information about your last visit, such as, e.g., your preferred language or other settings. Cookies are mainly divided into two types:


Technical cookies

Technical cookies contain data to enable the functioning of the website and the services requested by the user, such as navigation or log-on functions. Without these cookies, parts of the website will not work properly.


Profiling cookies

These cookies are used to track the navigation of the user over the internet and to create a profile of his interests, habits and choices. Cookies like these can be used to display advertisements or products that could interest you.


How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to enhance the user experience. Furthermore we use third-party services to track how users navigate through our web site and which content they are interested in. These services also store cookies on your device.


How can we prevent the storage of cookies?

By changing your browser settings you can deactivate or delete cookies. The deactivation of cookies can lead to an improper way of functioning of some web sites. Individual non-technical third party cookies may also be disabled and deleted by the user, as described on the website of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance

Grants and grants received in 2019 and 2020: With regard to the provisions of Art. 1, Paragraph 125-bis of Law 124/2017 on the obligation to include in the supplementary report all amounts of money received during the year from grants, contributions, assignments paid and in any case economic benefits of any kind from the public to announce administrations and the subjects referred to in paragraph 125-bis of the same article, the company confirms that it has received the following contributions.



+39 0471 637524

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